Temporal Investigations


About Temporal Investigations

"I guess you boys from Temporal Investigations are... always on time." - Jadzia Dax

The Department of Temporal Investigations in the Star Trek universe investigations changes to the timeline that occur in Federation-controlled space. They first were featured in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Trials and Tribble-ations" as a way for the show to recap what happened when the crew of the Defiant encountered the NCC-1701 U.S.S. Enterprise. The department is tasked with preventing contanimation of the timeline.

This podcast, in some ways, pays homage to those investigators who don't like dad jokes and help ensure the timeline is safe. In future episodes, investigators will even travel through time to help make sure the timeline is on the correct path. On this podcast, we'll explore past and present Star Trek with a unique group of guests who have diverse, lived experiences with one of the greatest science fiction franchises that currently exists.

Some of our episodes will be looking at older episodes with a modern-day lense. Others will be talking about our histories with the show, the associated media, and how it influenced who we are today. In other episodes we'll even play games and interact with media that helped make the Star Trek franchise what it is today.

You, as a temporal investigator, can come along with our journey by subscribing to the podcast using the links on this page, or by seeking out our YouTube channel and checking out our content there. You can also support our channel by helping others subscribe, joining our crowd funding efforts, or even clicking on a product link in our episode descriptions. We look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions, and we're glad to have you aboard for the journey through the timey wimey Star Trek universe.

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We are not affiliated with CBS, Viacom, Bad Robot, Paramount Pictures, ViacomCBS. Star Trek®, in all its various forms, is a trademark of CBS and /or Paramount Pictures. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective holders. All original content on Temporal Investigations is owned by Kirchner Ventures.

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